Thursday, October 8, 2009

We <3 Vermont!

Tuesday was the greatest day!

We headed up to Sugarhill to the mind blowing Polly’s Pancake Parlor.  We waited a half hour for a seat (on a Tuesday morning no less) but we didn’t care in the slightest.  There were 3 generations working there, the cutest little lady (she was Polly’s daughter) was serving coffee, her daughter & son were our waitress and host and their son was in the kitchen helping to cook.  You could mix n’ match by the pancake! We awarded the gingerbread and coconut buttermilk the yummiest.

  Finally we hit Vermont! We love it!  All the leaves have changed here and the views are breathtaking.

We stopped in St. Johnsbury to The Dog Chapel, built by artist Steven Huneck.  We didn’t really know what to expect, but it wasn’t that we’d be unloading so many tears that early in the morning.  In the chapel people who’ve lost pets can pay tribute by posting notes or pictures of their furry friends.  Drew left a sweet note for his Snoopy. 

Everything in the chapel including the stained glass windows were made by the artist.  He put so much beautiful work into the project.  Visitors had brought their doggies to run around in a fun play park he had built up the hill too!  

In the Natural History Museum in St. Johnsbury we found the bug art museum!  There were 9 pieces in the collection and the artist used thousands of beatles/moths/etc. per piece!  It was pretty neat and looked incredibly time consuming.  My eyes would probably "bug out" if I attempted it..... That was really forced wasn't it?

bug art all up close-like:

The Bread and Puppet Museum in Glover has been my favorite stop so far I think.  Since 1977, it’s been run by a political art commune that builds the puppets for theater productions they have on site in the summertimes.  A huge old barn houses pretty much all of the puppets that have been used since they began, they don’t provide much upkeep to the puppets and for the most part just let them decay naturally.  I can’t think of any words to describe how amazing this place was, completely speechless.  Some of the puppets were over 20 feet high!  We took so many pictures, but I just narrowed it down to a couple since there’s no way you could imagine this place unless you’ve seen it anyway.

Across the street is the communes’ art bus.  It’s full of art produced by the commune in support of it's "cheap art movement" and having some to keep is based entirely on an honor system.  You take what you want and leave the money in a box by the door. 

Ah I just loved it! I love Vermont!

Fire-eat-sleep!  Did I mention that we love Vermont?!

P.S.  Laurie if you're reading I yelled hi out the window to your fam for you today!
P.P.S.  Did anyone just watch Jim and Pam get married on The Office?? Amazing! Perfect!

1 comment:

  1. the bread and puppet theatre! I'm so jealous you got to see their puppets! wowzers!
    (ps. I'm cooking up a sunday dinner if you wanna make a detour. turkey turkey pie!)
