Sunday, October 4, 2009

DAY #3: Rained out in New Hampshire.

Good morning!  Our tent view, where we slept like babies!
The plan was to stick around for the early morning fishing derby but it started to rain almost as soon as we woke up and breakfast was on our minds.  There was rumor of an amazing restaurant in Portsmouth, New Hampshire so our tummies took us there.

The Friendly Toast! Yum, it was absolutely incredible and the decor was so neato.  Everything was seriously vintage.  There were gigantic spaceships with mannequin boys inside hanging from the ceiling and old lamps at all the tables.  The walls were floor to ceiling with random tacky vintage pictures, nothing matched.  Basically it looked like  how our house will inevitably end up in 20 years if I don't control myself, except the food at the restaurant was way better than anything we could produce.

Next we took the coastal route through New Hampshire in search of a giant pirate in Hampton.  Drew was driving and I spent the first 15 or so minutes saying "wow so pretty, big houses, this is what I always thought the Hamptons would look like."  Eventually it hit me, good lord I'm a moron Hampton...looks like the was The Hamptons.  The rest of that route was spent slowing down every time we saw a car pull in a driveway and impersonating Matthew McConaughey.  For some reason Drew was really sweet on finding Tobey MacGuire?

This is us being rich and famous in the Hamptons and not caring about much else.
It took us pretty much forever to find this guy.  The Hamptons (actually New Hampshire in general) has some really poor signage going on.  Also, Hamptons in the fall = creepy deserted seaside town.  By now it was raining a bunch and we were failing miserably at getting this picture until a fun fellow in a UPS truck that looked like a shriner car pulled up and helped us out.  My hair is not having fun here.  ARRRRR!
The rain let up so we could make the hike through the woods to America's Stonehenge in North Salem.  It was way cool but way eerie and I was pretty happy to do the hike, peek around for a little and scram.   Drew coaxed me into the "Oracle Chamber" for a picture but I felt pretty rude and now maybe like we were cursed for that....more on that later.
We came across this on the way back down.  It looked like some sort of ceremony had taken place.  Maybe for the Equinox?
We got nothing but lost in New Hampshire today.  This "Really Big Porch Rocker"  (that's right it isn't the world's largest) was way on a back road in a town called Milford.
At this point the rains were torrential but we pushed through in the dark to Laconia.  We were a little stressed because it was so hard to see, but we put on a couple Mitch Hedberg albums and laughed almost till our heads fell off.  Except they didn't, then we'd be in real trouble.  We looked for a cheap motel but the only one we could find I was convinced Psycho was based on. We settled for a really crap overpriced Super 8 and went to a fun diner for rootbeer floats and mac n' cheese.  I got a hot dog (I don't eat meat), took two bites and felt sad. So I just ate everything else in front of me!

Back at the hotel we fell asleep watching National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.  No was Drew's first time seeing it.  I think that calls for the term wack!

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