Friday, October 2, 2009

DAY #1: fishermen, blueberries, lighthouses, big babies

Already a day behind schedule, but no matter.  I think the extra day was much needed as we weren't even packed.  The real day of departure was also slow going (mostly my fault).  Away we goooo (went)!

New Brunswick was pretty uneventful, Drew isn't allowed to drive there so he slept most of the way.  It was kind of nice for me actually.  This leg of the trip (NB/Maine) has a lot of nostalgia tied to it, so I just quietly reminisced to myself, memories of train wreck vacations, holed up in motel rooms eating baloney sandwiches and watching television.  18 years later for some reason I find these memories pretty special as terrible as they come across.  My sister would know what I meant.

We hit the border and the guards were incredibly friendly!  I kind of felt like they were big goofballs like us, in our big goofball New England movie someone on the outside must be filming.  We drove through crooning "america america" and I was so excited I think Drew wanted to throw me in the trunk.

First stop Eastport!  Drew with almost no effort found the "USA's Easternmost Goofy Muffler Man statue"  

That was easy!  Drew and I decided that instead of seeing the hundreds of lighthouses in Maine we'd each pick one we really wanted to see, mine was The Quoddy Head Lighthouse.  It looks like a barber's pole and wouldn't be out of place in a Tim Burton film.  It was beautiful! Also a little eerie the rocks in front were pretty Lemony Snicket looking but that's the feeling I was hoping to get from it.  Much to my disappointment the gift shop was closed (if you've travelled with me you know how I love a gift shop) and I got the feeling this would be a reaccuring theme on the trip.
We stopped for yummy home made mustard at Ray's mustard farm since Drew was starving and I wasn't letting him eat until we saw the World's Largest Blueberry in Columbia Falls!  It was getting dark and the place looked closed for the season but we snuck through the chains and peeked around. It was a huge blue dome but not necessarily a full blueberry.  No matter it still was fantastic and featured a pie man who looked like he would probably bake us in one if we stuck around.  
We ate at Friendly's (gross I know) mainly because as a child it was the only fun thing my sister and I got to do on vacation.  Not on this one though!  It was pretty disgusting, and we were the youngest people there by about 40 years. 

 At this point we were exhausted and headed northwest to Bangor.  Since we're wimps we sprung for a motel room there.  On our first night! ugh!  Tomorrow camping for real!
Our bodies were calling us out after eating that food and we hit the pillows pretty hard.  zzzzzzzzzz


  1. Glad to see that you are on your way and I hope that some of the things and places you want to see are open, including "gift shops". Travel safely and enjoy your vacation. I will be sending another comment later today.

    Love Dad

  2. Jenn & Drew, just put $75 in your account so that sometime during your trip you can go to a "nice" eating establishment and have have supper on Mom and I. Enjoy.
